The mission of the Livingstone Zambia Project is to come along side the next generation of youth through:

• Self-empowerment
• Education and counseling
Youth Programs
Healthy Living

To become devoted Disciples of Jesus for this generation of youth and generations to come.

Through program funds we are able to display the love of God and neighbor by
EMPOWERING THE NEXT GENERATION OF YOUTH through youth ministry programs:

• Bicycle ministry
• Jobs skills training
• Gardening
• carpentry
• raising rabbits
• drug and rehab counseling
• Tailoring
• Hygiene kits for girls

Your donations will provide the essential resources needed support these programs. No donation is too little or too much.

1 Timothy 4:12

Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.


Thousands of smart and capable young people in Zambia never got the opportunity to receive a high school diploma. The costs of tuition fees and boarding are too much for families living at or near the poverty level. For many of those who do finish high school, college is out of the question. It’s just too expensive when families are concerned with providing the basics of food, shelter, and clothing. Without an education, young adults have few options for breaking the cycle of poverty, without educated leaders the future Zambia suffers.

We are currently sponsoring three collage students. This year we aim to help more students in Livingstone, Zambia as funds become available.


We envision generations that are transformed and founded on physical, spiritual, emotional, and financial principles, resulting in people who are relevant in the global community


"African SHADE" provides community services supporting women, children and families affected by substance abuse and domestic violence, including emotional, sexual and physical abuse

Sewing Program

Bicycle Ministry

 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

MATHEW 28:19